Ethnic conflict in south sudan pdf free

South sudan macro conflict analysis july 2015 reliefweb. Elections commission nec to conduct free, fair and credible elections before the end of the transitional period and ensure that the outcome reflects the will of the electorate. Perceptions and voices of south sudanese about the north. After that war ended, the semiautonomous state turned into a. In sudan, conflicts over scarce resources, ethnicity and religion have resulted in genocide. The ethnic groups of southern sudan, mainly black african and nonmuslim, had endured. It is a multiethnic state inhabited by several ethnic groups, such as dinka, nuer, and murle international crisis group icg 2009. South sudan as regional pawn 2 the red sea arena 4 rebooting us policy to support conflict resolution and regional stability 5 conclusion 8 payton knopf south sudan s civil war and conflict dynamics in the red sea summary the regional political and security dynamics that surround south sudan s ongoing civil war.

Causes of the conflicts the british signed an agreement in 1953 that granted the people of sudan independence and the right to selfgovernance. Relying on the comparative study of nigeria and south africa, it is the contention in this. The conflict began in 2003 when rebels launched an insurrection to protest what they contended was the sudanese governments disregard for the western region and its nonarab population. The issue of how much money the sudanese government should receive for the oil pumped in south sudan but transported through sudan s pipelines and exported via sudan s infrastructure was particularly. In january 2011, south sudan held a referendum to decide on unity or independence. Conflict in the equatorias crisis group africa report n236, 25 may 2016 page iv to south sudan s church leaders. South sudans independence einternational relations. Lominsuk ended his remarks stating that the conflict in south sudan was largely fomented and fueled by dr. Many opposition movements have split along ethnic lines, and this. South sudan is home to more than 60 ethnic groups, with the dinka and the nuer. Interethnic conflict in jonglei state, south sudan accord. Conflict south sudan seceded from sudan in july 2011 after a referendum was held where 99 per cent of the population in south sudan voted for independence bbc news 2011.

National identity in south sudanese media discourse. Mostly south sudan leadership emerged in civil war against republic of sudan and majority of leaders of south sudan belonged to dinka ethnic and this is largest tribe in sudan than compare to other tribes. South sudan conflict analysis brief south sudan, the worlds youngest nation, continues to struggle despite the august 2015 signature of a peace agreement. Sudans prolonged second civil war and the militarization of. However, their independence, like that of other countries in the world, came with a huge human cost following decades of intense conflict between the arab north and the nonarab south. Conflict in south sudan and the challenges ahead congressional research service summary south sudan, which separated from sudan in 2011 after almost 40 years of civil war, was drawn into a devastating new conflict in late 20, when a political dispute that overlapped with preexisting ethnic and political fault lines turned violent. During second republic of sudan civil war 1983, dr john garang leads and formed spla and he was belonged to largest ethnic group dink. Certainly, the ethnic factor was always present, but the war in 20 was more related to the poorly institutionalised, highly monetised personal politicking of the south sudanese elite. Dec 24, 20 however, the key protagonists in south sudan s crisis also make use of a distinctly antitribalist rhetoric and warnings of ethnic conflict in order to justify their political agendas as well as the use of force. The seeds of south sudans return to violent conflict in december 20 were sown long before the. Conflict profile sudan northsouth ethnic war 1983 2005 modern conflicts home page conflicts map conflicts table peri home page sudan s north south civil war went on for more than two decades, and resulted in roughly two million warrelated deaths and the displacement of millions of others from their homes. In this study, 10 emigrants from south sudan were chosen to present their perceptions and views about the conflict, in the form of written responses to 22 questions. Although ethnicity is a contributing factor to the ongoing crisis in south sudan. Years of international efforts to bring an end to decades of conflict by helping to negotiate the comprehensive peace agreement cpa of 2005 and the later.

Conflict is often aggravated among nomadic groups over the issue of cattle and grazing land and is part of the wider sudanese nomadic conflicts. Northsouth civil war 19832005 and the darfur conflict which began in 2003. As its implementation faltered, violence between factions broke out again in july 2016, setting back the peace process once again. The current humanitarian response in south sudan is offering a vital lifeline to. This article summarizes how the crisis has evolved and which latent factors have contributed to it. Instead, evidence of the arms used in the attacks, plus the facilitation and mobilisation of the communities have suggested a regimeorchestrated strategy to instigate widespread ethnic conflicts and insecurity in all corners of south sudan. Institute of peace, june 2011, filesresourcessr278. But that answer does not explain the intersection of politics, ethnicity, and conflict in south sudan. Understanding the roots of conflict in south sudan. South sudan obtained independence in july 2011 as a kleptocracya militarized. The finer details of how it started are unclear and accounts of the violence are often conflicting. Understanding the roots of conflict in south sudan council.

Digitized by imu ocha southern sudan ethnic boundaries shown on this map are not an exact representation of the situation in the country. South sudan has witnessed localised inter ethnic conflicts, most notably arising from disputes rooted in. Solutions for moving beyond an ethnic conflict eric. There is no doubt that the dynamics of armed violence in juba and across south sudan have taken on an ethnic. While the army used to attract men from across tribes, during the south sudanese civil war, the spla had largely become a militia of soldiers from the dinka. Pdf on jan 1, 20, lukong stella shulika and others published interethnic conflict in south sudan. Pdf on jan 1, 20, lukong stella shulika and others published inter ethnic conflict. Ethnic conflict in sudan by alise gilliard infographic. Hon ateny wek ateny added that the major challenge facing south sudan is waiting for international actors to define the conflict. For example, europeans and africans are defining conflict in south sudan. A challenge to peaceby lukong stella shulika and nwabufo okekeuzodike above.

Conflict mapping, ontological security and institutionalised conflict o n 15 and 16 december 20, violence broke out in juba, south sudan, with many thousands killed. Sudans prolonged second civil war and the militarization. Civil war along ethnic lines broke out in december 20. Ethnic violence in south sudan has a long history among south sudan s varied ethnic groups. Abyei was also expected to hold a referendum in january 2011 to decide whether to retain the current special administrative status or to be part of south sudan. The international community can no longer ignore the violence and atrocities taking place in darfur. The ethnic conflict between north and south sudan has lasted over 22 years and is still ongoing. Candidate depaul university abstract although ethnicity is a contributing factor to the ongoing crisis in south sudan, particularly after the reescalation of violence in december of 20, the characterization of the. Agreement on the resolution of the conflict in the republic of south sudan arcss, including estranged groups to discuss concrete measures, to restore. While this ethnic diversity speaks to the countrys rich national heritage, it has also always been a source of internal ethnic discord in south sudan. South sudan became the youngest nation in the world after splitting from the larger sudan to become the republic of south sudan in 2011. A separate conflict that remained unresolved centred on the darfur region in western sudan. Now as both sides are close to the signing of an agreement that would end the conflict in the country, the sudanese government, using supported jingaweid arab militia. T hev iw sxpr d nt paper represent those of the author and not necessarily those of the international peace institute.

Similarly, by extension, it seeks to proffer appropriate mechanisms of deescalating ethnic conflicts in jonglei state which may be replicated in south sudan where applicable. In response, the irc is providing urgently needed medical care, wat. Before 2011, the country of sudan encompassed both regions of modern sudan and south sudanin 1955. To avoid further humanitarian crisis to armed actors. Macro analysis of conflict in south sudan august 2014. Peace, conflict and the future of south sudan 12 methods limitations 15 structure and analytical framework 15 2. Ethnic conflict in south sudan has forced more than 1 million people to flee their homes. January 16, 2014 the simple answer to that question is an obvious yes. Agreement on the resolution of the conflict in the republic of south sudan arcss, including estranged groups to discuss concrete measures, to restore permanent ceasefire, full implementation of the arcss, and to develop revised. Political tensions rooted in historic and ethnic divisions between key power.

Facilitate local peace agreements as an d when appropriate between the tgonu, armed groups and armed youth, local communities and cattle keepers. North sudan consists mainly of arabic muslims while the vast majority of south sudan consists of christians and nonarabs. Republic of sudan and the new republic of south sudan or north and south sudan, for claritythe two countries were again in a state of war. South sudan has witnessed localised inter ethnic conflicts, most notably arising from disputes rooted in grazing land, cattle raiding and access to natural resources. This southsouth war also led to a more rigid conception of ethnic identity as the. Ipi welcomes consideration of a wide range of perspectives in the pursuit of a wellinformed debate on critical.

The case of south sudans agreement on the resolution of the. Ethnocommunal conflict in sudan and south sudan springerlink. Options for a peaceful settlement the nation platform ston titled the violent conflict. Since the beginning of the 20 civil war to present day, 1. This chapter analyzes ethnocommunal conflicts in sudan and south sudan, which gained independence in 2011. County boundaries digitiz ed based on s t as l ye rb ok 2 09 southern sudan commission for census, sta isc nd ev lu o c. The prolonged conflict has left south sudan with development conditions among the lowest to be found anywhere in the world, as measured by almost any indicator. Mar 26, 2021 five years after gaining independence, south sudan is gripped by a civil war that has killed an estimated 50,000 and displaced 1. The two regions battled over power and control of the government. Distribution of ethnic groups in southern sudan ethnic. Ethnic conflict is so much prevalent in south sudan it challenges any attempt to preserve peace and security throughout the entire territorial integrity of nation. In the postcolonialism world, these conflicts continue still today.

Based on this analysis, it then discusses the humanitarian and economic implications of the conflict, as well as its impact on south sudan. With ethnic groups speaking more than 70 associated. Since civil war broke out in south sudan in december 20, over 50,000 people have been killedpossibly as many as 383,000, according to a recent estimateand nearly four. Solutions for moving beyond an ethnic conflict christa charbonneau kuntzelman, m. Candidate depaul university abstract although ethnicity is a contributing factor to the ongoing crisis in south sudan, particularly after the reescalation of violence in december of. Prospects for peace are uncertain, as south sudans government has shown. It is a multiethnic state inhabited by several ethnic groups, such as dinka. Oct 02, 2020 this paper proposes, among other things, that ethnic conflicts in africa are fallout of colonialism. South sudan has 64 tribes with the largest being the dinkas, who constitute about 35% of the population and predominate in government. Analysis of their responses in light of conflict resolution literature suggests that the north south sudan conflict involves complex issues primarily fueled by ethnic and religious. The south sudan peace and reconciliation commission is mandated to promote peaceful coexistence amongst the people of south sudan and advise the government on matters related to peace. The prolonged conflict has left south sudan with development conditions among the lowest to be found anywhere in. Pdf on jan 1, 20, lukong stella shulika and others published inter ethnic conflict in south sudan. A political power struggle between south sudanese president salva kiir and former.

South sudan, civil war, power struggle, ethnic violence, international conflict. The lingering unresolved issues with south sudan continued to pose problems, despite international attempts to mediate between the two countries. On the conflict in lakes state that has been raging for over 7years and has claimed hundreds of. In south sudan, intercommunal conflicts between the dinka and the nuer on the one hand, and the nuer and the murle on the other, predate sudan s independence in 1956. Ever since power struggles within the sudan peoples liberation army split the movement into two warring factions in august 1991, rural nuer and dinka communities of the south have been grappling with a deepening regional subculture of ethnicized violence. April 2010, sudan held national and regional elections. In response, the government equipped and supported arab militiaswhich came.

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